Services Provided: General Practice
Click here for a short bio of Dr. Watters.
Wellness exams: full examination from head to tail
Sick exams: I will evaluate your pet and discuss with you if medical management in the home is appropriate or if your pet would be best cared for in a hospital environment
Vaccinations: after a risk assessment we will decide together which vaccines are most appropriate for your pet
Diagnostics: such as heartworm testing, fecal analysis, and screening bloodwork
Consultations: in-depth evaluation for chronic health issues, behavioral, mobility concerns or geriatric care
Hospice care: our pets deserve to be cared for with grace and respect as they face debilitating illnesses; I strive to incorporate multimodal pain management specifically suited to your pet
Home euthanasia: letting go of our pets is difficult enough; enabling them to pass with peace and tranquility in the comfort of their own home is of the utmost importance to me. Aftercare services are available.
Pricing is actually very competitive with brick & mortar hospitals (especially with the Heal+ program).
I use a very high-quality online pharmacy which you can find here.
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